This is my sister Beckie. I could add the words "In law" here, but it doesn't mean anything anymore. Because Beckie has become a true sister to me.
Beckie was my first sister that came by way of marriage. I've learned so much from her. She is a pillar of patience and love. She is hard working, creative, clever, and brave. She is quiet and maybe she thinks that I don't notice her, but I do, and I see how much humility and love she has for my family and me. She braves the boisterous family and she reminds us to be kind and true to ourselves.
Beckie gave me blogging and family cookbooks and love. She even welcomed me to her house on Christmas Day with a few hour's notice and put us up for the night. But mostly, she also gave me my first niece, my first nephew and then another nephew and another niece. She lets me play with her kids in pools and on floors. She lets me change their diapers and walk them to sleep. She lets me absorb myself in them when I am around, and for that, I will eternally be thankful to Beckie.
Today is Beckie's birthday. I'm pretty sure she's a lot younger than I am. But I'm so glad she was born. She's taught me so much and in spite of some differing opinions in life, she shows me her love and I am so glad to call her my sister. I love you, Beckie. I'm glad your last name is the same as mine, and I'm glad that our family is forever, because I want to be with you for that long.