Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sending out Angels and Love

I talked to my Mom and Dad tonight. I miss home a lot, and I wish I were there tonight to be with them, to go to the cousin reunion tomorrow, to feel the cold air and smell the fall leaves. I wish I could hug them and kiss them goodnight tonight and take away some of the sorrow and anguish from their hearts. And since I cannot be with them, I pray for angels to be above them, angels below them, angels on either side of them, angels to be in front of them, and in back of them. I pray for angels to surround their dear friends who have shown me and my family such unconditional love and support. I am sending them all the love and comfort to heal their wounds, especially since they are old ones with fresh surfaces. I love those families, and my heart is with them. 

But since I'm not going to make it to my hometown tonight to give my love and hugs I will send out a blessing to them through the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, and since I did talk to my dear friend Camille tonight, and she sounded like she lives at Chuck E. Cheese, and in spite of it all still finds time to share her thoughts and heart with me, I will send out the lyrics to one of the songs from her album when she was in the fabulous group, "Providence". I hope you won't sue me for using your lyrics here to send my loved ones a blessing of peace. If you ever have a chance to hear them sing this song, you will understand the deep emotions that go with this beautiful song, _Rest in You_:

Grace, this world's sweetest fragrance
Poured out at the highest cost
Like heaven's holy offer
Draws each weary woul unto the cross

I will rest in you
I will rest in you
Not just when this race is over
In these earthly moments too
I will rest in you

Hope, shining every moment
Like Eden's dawn upon the sea
Peace, like the gentle breezes
That brush the snowy flocks
On hills of green

Oh, great and gracious one
For all my days
For all you've done

You can check them out at:
And for the record, Camille: I am always so proud of you. And I will always celebrate your joys and achievements. Thank you for being my friend all these years.

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